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Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks.

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:46 pm


by thadru

Hey guys, I am pretty new to this (jus got my tank 2 days ago) and I will therefore be coming here alot for advice.
At present, I have two goldfish and a male siamese fighter (the name sounded good and it's quite pretty).
I am looking at increasing the fish by getting either:

- Fancy guppies
- Platy
- Zebra Danios
- Tiger Barbs
- Peppered cory or yoyo loach

Out of the above, I would like to get two different ones and was wondering what is advisable. I would also like to change the fine sand I have at the bottom with some nice white gravel, how do I go about doing this?

Posts: 297
Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:42 pm


by Poetic_Irony2267

with having a Siamese fighting fish, or (beta) as they are called you don't want to put anything in the tank that is going to pick at it's fins, tiger barbs are notorious for doing that, i would say a pepper corydora, and a yo yo loach would be fine as well. you will want to be careful of the ammonia levels in your tank having the two gold fish in the tank. they emit tons of ammonia and will cause spikes from time to time especially when your filter is starting too come due for cleaning. platy are fine for adding to the tank as they are a non aggressive fish. depending on how big your tank is you will want to stick to the 1 inch per gallon rule and depending on the type of goldfish that you have you may want to keep the number of fish in the tank to a minimum as most goldfish breeds will grow to large sizes.

Welcome to the addiction and enjoy!


Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:42 pm


by truthseeker

check out the freshwater compatibility chart in the tools section of this site. It provides a matrix of compatible fish.


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