What is the big deal about carbon?

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by jweb1369

I have 2 aquaclears and have carbon on one and ammonia remover on the other.

Posts: 1695
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:31 am

by gumbii

ammonia remover is also known to leak back toxins into your system... i don't like using that stuff...

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by yasherkoach

only other filter media I use in both filter boxes are Aqua Chargers (I bouht 2 jars at Pet Solutions). These babies helps neutralize the ammonia and nitrite. Aquar Chargers helps mainly for the initial cycling of the tank, but these chargers can remain in the filter boxes for many months. The chargers collect good bacteria as well.

Outside of this product, I do not care for any chemical product. I prefer to go the route of less chemicals.

If you think about it, when chemicals are let into the rivers, the chemicals usually will kill fish. Unless you are an experienced aquarist or biologist, stay away from chemicals especially in the main tank.

You can set up a tank just to medicate, breed, etc, but these tanks I frown upon.

I let all my fish breed in the tank (so far, just yesterday morning, I noticed another 2 fry, this makes 7 fry platies in less than a month, alive & well); and I figure, as long as I water change, maintain the tank well, there will be no outbreak of disease for for the most part, a fish's immune system will ward off parasites, etc.

So I say, less chemicals. try to shoot for a well established tank, let the fish waste fertilize the plants, do not overfeed, do not overcrowd, maintain the water quality on a wekkly or bi-weekly basis, and there'd be no need for chemicals. Mother nature will take it from there.

The only chemical I use is a dechlorinator and once every 3-4 months, I will insert a Flourish tablet into the gravel for the live plants (after a year of the tablets, this too I will stop and strictly rely on the fish waste), and the aquar chargers which, after a year, I will remove these as well. Outside of these three products, I do not place any chemicals in the tank.

I have fry which are thriving. This is a telltale sign all is fine in the tank.

hope this helps

Posts: 1695
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:31 am

by gumbii

when you have rare/wild fish it's all about the chemical composition of the natural waters...

so i think for a amateur, i would stay away from chemicals...

Posts: 189
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:21 pm

by josmoloco

My water is very clear because I use a
fluval 404
aqua clear 110
rena xp3
and to really clear it up I run my magnum 350 with micron twice per week

What is the big deal about carbon?

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