corals inverts - rhyzotrochus typus - white rhyzo stocking in 150 gallons tank - rhyzos looking like a cockatoo crown.
Description: rhyzos looking like a cockatoo crown.
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Rhyzotrochus Typus
Fish Popular Name: White Rhyzo
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Country: Malaysia

This tank picture looks better than 92.12% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #187 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide.

Rating: 6.13    Votes: 16

corals inverts - rhyzotrochus typus - white rhyzo stocking in 150 gallons tank - white rhyzo under actinics
Description: white rhyzo under actinics
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Rhyzotrochus Typus
Fish Popular Name: White Rhyzo
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Country: Malaysia

This tank picture looks better than 91.15% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #210 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide.

Rating: 6.08    Votes: 12

corals inverts - rhyzotrochus typus - white rhyzo stocking in 55 gallons tank - 55G
Description: 55G
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Rhyzotrochus Typus
Fish Popular Name: White Rhyzo
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Country: Canada

This tank picture looks better than 88.28% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #278 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.82    Votes: 11

corals inverts - rhyzotrochus typus - green rhyzo stocking in 150 gallons tank - green rhyzo
Description: green rhyzo
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Rhyzotrochus Typus
Fish Popular Name: Green Rhyzo
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Country: Malaysia

This tank picture looks better than 72.55% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #651 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.09    Votes: 11

corals inverts - rhyzotrochus typus - white rhyzo stocking in 150 gallons tank - white rhyzo under mh
Description: white rhyzo under mh
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Rhyzotrochus Typus
Fish Popular Name: White Rhyzo
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Country: Malaysia

This tank picture looks better than 70.99% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #688 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5    Votes: 11