saltwater fish - taeniura lymma - blue dot stingray stocking in 510 gallons tank - Blue spotted ray
Description: Blue spotted ray
Category: Saltwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Taeniura Lymma
Fish Popular Name: Blue Dot Stingray
Tank Size: 510 gallons
Country: Great Britain

This tank picture looks better than 97.85% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #34 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 7.13    Votes: 48

saltwater fish - taeniura lymma - bluespotted stingray stocking in 125 gallons tank - blue spotted sting ray
Description: blue spotted sting ray
Category: Saltwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Taeniura Lymma
Fish Popular Name: Bluespotted Stingray
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 68.94% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #491 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.5    Votes: 50

saltwater fish - taeniura lymma - blue dot stingray stocking in 500 gallons tank - Blue spot sting ray approx. 36 inches long
Description: Blue spot sting ray approx. 36 inches long
Category: Saltwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Taeniura Lymma
Fish Popular Name: Blue Dot Stingray
Tank Size: 500 gallons
Country: Australia

This tank picture looks better than 61.8% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #604 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.28    Votes: 40

saltwater fish - taeniura lymma - bluespotted stingray stocking in 240 gallons tank - My Huge Puffer and His best buddy the sting ray!
Description: My Huge Puffer and His best buddy the sting ray!
Category: Saltwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Taeniura Lymma
Fish Popular Name: Bluespotted Stingray
Tank Size: 240 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 49.72% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #795 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.96    Votes: 49

saltwater fish - taeniura lymma - blue dot stingray stocking in 125 gallons tank - motoro sting ray
Description: motoro sting ray
Category: Saltwater Fish
Fish Scientific Name: Taeniura Lymma
Fish Popular Name: Blue Dot Stingray
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 21.51% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1241 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.09    Votes: 43