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United States
Tank #1: 10 gallon Top Fin tank with cover; Marina aqua glo 25W bulbs; Aqua Clear 30 power filter; ceramic bubblewand; Tetra Whisper 20 air pump. Tank #2: 40 gallon Marineland tank with built in hood and Bio-wheel filtration system; Marineland Stealth-Pro 200W heater; Tetra Whisper 60 air pump; ceramic bubble wand; flourescent lighting.
Cycle your tank without fish. Quarantine your new fish before introducing them into the main tank to avoid disease and/or parasitic infection. Read, read, read! Seek out the advice of expert fish keepers - I like for this. Don't overstock your tank even though it's hard to resist buying a ton of fish because they're so beautiful. It's not kind to the fish!
Fish Kept:
10 gallon: 1 dalmatian molly; 1 silver molly; 8 surprise molly fry (!); 1 crowntail betta; 4 albino cories; 1 mystery snail; 1 African dwarf frog; 2 lyertail guppies. 40 gallon: 1 fancy Ryukin goldfish; 1 neon tetra; 1 black velvet molly; 1 angelfish; 2 sunset wag platys; 1 male betta; 1 fancy guppy; 2 African dwarf frogs; 1 balloon belly molly.
No live plants - all plastic plants
Tank Size:
10 gallons