More Info
Great Britain
Dimensions of my aquarium our 8x3x3 and the sump is 5x2x2.5ft with equipment including LEDs,bubble magnus c9skimmers,deltec e flow return pump,deltec uv,red sea ozone unit,rowa phos,dosing pumps,calcium reactor and nopox being used.
Get the book "Saltwater aquariums for dummies" I treat it as my bible
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang - Hawaii, Yellowtail Damselfish, Vlamingii Tang, Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang, Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish, Bluespotted Stingray, Sailfin Tang, Purple Tang, Kaudern's Cardinal, Orbicular Cardinal, Three Spot Domino Damselfish
Tank Size:
510 gallons
About Yourself:
Been keeping marine fish for around 5years now,started out with a 1200lt aquarium and up graded to 2300lt last August,I enjoy keeping tangs and like to let my monti's grow as big as I can!