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United States
48" by 31" 110 gallon freshwater. 78degreesF. Marinelande C360 with another likely Eheim on the way. Flourescent lighbulb. Fish kept:3 Pearl gourami, 4 Golden Gourami, 9 gold tetra, 8 rummy nose tetra, 5 endlers, 3 emerald cory, 2 agassizi cory, 2 punctatus cory, 2 german blue rams, 1 female calico bushynose pleco, 1 very young rainbow shark, 1 Male red swordtail, 1 red and gold tuxedo guppy, and 3 mickey mouse platys.
be aware of the cost, as set up is more expensive that you expect. Read forums, read, read, read. try local fish stores over big box for your advice.
Fish Kept:
Pearl Gourami, Platy, Golden Gourami, Rainbow Shark, True Rummynose Tetra, Bushy Nose Pleco, German Blue Ram, Emerald Green Cory Cat
artificial plants with driftwood
Tank Size:
110 gallons
Please come into my garden for I would like my flowers to see you.
About Yourself:
complete beginner, you don't have to walk fish : ) I've never had a big tank before, only a 2 gallon w/two guppies. My husband and i put this together for the family but it is really for the grown ups : ) The kids aren't interested but the cats are. Wish us luck : )