More Info
this is a Red Sea Max 130D, Nice design, easy to handle, i just added a Hydor Koralia power head for water movement.
Red Sea is one of the best....
keep it going and be pacient
Fish Kept:
Ocelaris Clown Fish, Yellow watchman Goby, Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang,3 Green Chromis, 3 red leg, 1 blue leg dwarf hermit Crabs, 4 dwarf electric blue hermit Crab, Porcelain and Pom Pom Crabs, Tiger Deresa Clam, Rock flower Anemone, Anemone Crab, Red and sand shifting Starfish, fire Shrimp, 2 Cleaner Shrimps, Banded Coral Shrimp, 4 astrea, 2 Mexican turbo and 2 trochus snails, Feather dusters.
Toadstool, Green and Red finger leather Corals, Pom Pom Xenias, Colt coral, Star, Yellow and Hairy rose polip Colonies, Candy canes, 10 mushrooms types, 3 Ricordias, Green and bicolor Scolymias, Brown glove polips, 8 types of Zoa´s, Hammer Coral, Sponges and some more....
Tank Size:
34 gallons
teke care of any living creature
About Yourself:
i like to play golf spend a lot of time with my Family and next proyect, 200 gallon reef tank.