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United States
55 Gallon freshwater tank with artificial plants. Tank maintained with Fluval 305 canister filter, AquaClear Powerhead 50, undergravel filter, Hydor Theo 200w heater. Lighted with 48" fluorescent 40 watt Power-Glo made by Hagen. The color spectrum of this bulb is 18000K. The gravel bed consists of a fine pebble that is used for sand blasting. Then took some of the larger natural rock and sprinkled some on top of the smaller gravel to give it a more natural textured look. See additional pics for close ups of this gravel.
Take your time and be patient when setting up and maintaining a tank. This is suppose to be enjoyable so if you do what you need to do and be patient and let the tank cycle and do your water changes the rest will come easy and then your tank will give you much enjoyment.
Fish Kept:
Currently since this is a new tank since I am using my old for a reef tank I only have 2 paradise gouramis, 2 Angels, 10 cardinals, 3 rummy nose, algae eater.
Tetra Water Wonders Artificial Plants and Artificial Driftwood.
Tank Size:
55 gallons