upgrade to 135 gallon
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fishfriend75 - Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:22 pm
upgrade to 135 gallon
looking to get opinions to up grade to135 gallon from 75 gallon.I can get the tank from a friend for 125 dollars.no stand or filters or lid.i can sell my set up for 350. wondering cost effective and if you think it will be worth it ? i love my 75 but another 60 gallons means more fish. i would build my own stand and buy used lid and lights ,buy new filter. any advice appriciated-i cant spell.thankyou for your input. dave
Okiimiru - Posts: 275
- Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:19 pm
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
Fishkeeping is all about what you want to do. Do you want this 135 gallon tank? Would it make you happy and do you have the money to make it happen? Then do it.
Personally, myself, I'm not interested in a 135 gallon tank. I like breeding fish, so for me multiple smaller tanks is better than one large tank because you can separate species and separate fry from adults. For example I just recently purchased two tanks. They are two 75 gallon tanks that I am going to use to try to breed mandarin dragonettes. One tank is for the parents and one tank is for the babies. Two 75 gallon tanks is much better, for me, than a single large 150 gallon tank.
So, do what you want. If you want it, and you can do it, do it. If you don't want it, then don't get it.
Personally, myself, I'm not interested in a 135 gallon tank. I like breeding fish, so for me multiple smaller tanks is better than one large tank because you can separate species and separate fry from adults. For example I just recently purchased two tanks. They are two 75 gallon tanks that I am going to use to try to breed mandarin dragonettes. One tank is for the parents and one tank is for the babies. Two 75 gallon tanks is much better, for me, than a single large 150 gallon tank.
So, do what you want. If you want it, and you can do it, do it. If you don't want it, then don't get it.
fishfriend75 - Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:22 pm
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
thank you for your reply Okiimiru,i guess im just trying to justify a larger display tank. I have a 29 gallon for my other fish.I know it will be a lot of work! just looking for imput. thankyou, dave. ps nice tank of yours,good luck with your breeding.
natalie265 - Site Admin
- Posts: 746
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Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
What type of fish are you interested in keeping? If you want big fish, a big tank is easier to justify. You'll also want to consider space and upkeep requirements. For my current home and situation, a 135 gallon tank would be impractical. Good luck with your decision!
fishfriend75 - Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:22 pm
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
thankyou natile,looking to add what i have already.angels -gettin big and assorted tetras also big, just wondering if its worth the effort. maybe just wantin to see what people think. thanks again,dave
dream2reef - Posts: 521
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:19 am
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
Big angels are cool but community fish, speaking from experience, is lame. I had 30 neons 6 rainbows a betta and some other regular community fish, threw them in a 110 and after a month sold them all for smaller cichlids. Only cuz I was housing an 8" JD and 12" pleco on the 110 trade. The schooling fish are really nice for awhile but lose their appeal fast, at least for me it did. Now I had no live plants at that time since I wasn't ready for that yet but I've seen some impressive planted community tanks as well. What I noticed was that the community fish don't seem to use the full tank just here and there. Leaving some dead areas of the massive tank. And sure you can get fish that will maybe use them. As for the cichlids first drop of you first batch they all use every dang in and out cut and corner in that tank. That for me was one of the biggest reasons for going that route. I was very hesitant at first being used to community fish prices and getting buy one get ones all the time to 5-20 dollar fish on average. In comparison I lost more community fish then cichlids. You always get that one or two that are weak especially if you're a beginner. In short bigger is better and easier to maintain faster growth more fish and yea that's about it I guess.
natalie265 - Site Admin
- Posts: 746
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Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
I'm going to sort of play devil's advocate in response to dream2reef. I don't think there is anything more beautiful or interesting than a community tank, and nothing more visually stunning than a large school of small fish in a good sized tank. I have a cichlid tank, and i love it, but if i had to choose between my cichlids and my rainbows, i'd take the rainbows. Again, it all comes down to personal preference.
fishfriend75 - Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:22 pm
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
thankyou for your reply reef,ive been down the ciclid road. didnt work for me. to many fights,ended up in dead fish. i thank you all for your replies ,guess im gonna go with my gut.ill post new pics soon. love the site.see you soon,dave god bless your fish.
jessikaye01 - Posts: 26
- Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:21 pm
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
I have a semi aggressive "community" tank and I love it!!
There's a pair of kissing fish (interesting to watch) 3 small angel fish, two fish that look like they have glitter tossed on them (can't hink of the name, blue gouramis and a school of clear cats that we call "The Banditos". A snail, pleco, 2 frogs and a school of neons.
They are in my 75 gallon tank.
The fish waiting to go in are a pair of Boseman Rainbow fish, swordtail and 2 silver dollars. There is also a clown loach and a larger Angel fish named "Willie". We bought Willie from a pet store after hearing his story. He was the only angel fish to live through a nasty fungal disease that ate his fins and rendered him blind in one eye. (To funny to watch him try to eat shrimp..he has to lean to his side to see them) He's not pretty, but I loved the story.
They were in the big tank before but had to recycle it so I split them up for a bit.
Now and then there are quarrels, which make it interesting to watch but mostly they are peaceful and mind their own businesses.
I don't know, I'm just a sucker for shiny things and decrepid looking ones, too. LOL!!
There's a pair of kissing fish (interesting to watch) 3 small angel fish, two fish that look like they have glitter tossed on them (can't hink of the name, blue gouramis and a school of clear cats that we call "The Banditos". A snail, pleco, 2 frogs and a school of neons.
They are in my 75 gallon tank.
The fish waiting to go in are a pair of Boseman Rainbow fish, swordtail and 2 silver dollars. There is also a clown loach and a larger Angel fish named "Willie". We bought Willie from a pet store after hearing his story. He was the only angel fish to live through a nasty fungal disease that ate his fins and rendered him blind in one eye. (To funny to watch him try to eat shrimp..he has to lean to his side to see them) He's not pretty, but I loved the story.
They were in the big tank before but had to recycle it so I split them up for a bit.
Now and then there are quarrels, which make it interesting to watch but mostly they are peaceful and mind their own businesses.
I don't know, I'm just a sucker for shiny things and decrepid looking ones, too. LOL!!
jessikaye01 - Posts: 26
- Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:21 pm
Re: upgrade to 135 gallon
I am thinking about adding three discus in the big tank in a couple of months though to shake things up.