Parents ate fry - please help peterkarig or anybody
6 posts
freshwaterpleco - Posts: 131
- Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:56 pm
Parents ate fry - please help peterkarig or anybody
My convicts laid eggs 4 days ago and then i woke up 1 morning they were gone. The tempature was 79 and recently it dropped to about 76. The ph is 7.6. They haven't laid new eggs for about 2 days now. Does anybody know why or how?
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am
Thanks for asking me for help. I didn't know I was so far ahead in posting from everybody on this site till I had over 100 posts, and I think some on this site feel I've taken over, but I love talking about aquariums and it was never about being top poster or anything. It's sad that most fish are not able to raise their young in aquariums. I think in the natural environment the parents have much less stress in the nesting process, and those that are live bearers have young who can get away from their parents enough to replenish the species. I don't know much about convicts, but I had a pair of diskus who would lay eggs on a rock and they were great care takers for about a week before eventually eating them. One reason could have been that diskus eggs are very susceptible to bacterial or fungus infections and maybe the eggs went bad causing the parents to eat them, or maybe it was just the typical stress of being in a confined space. Were the parents taking care of the eggs? It could be that the eggs were bad and the parents noticed, or maybe there was too much stress over territory by other fish, or maybe these convicts are young and they don't have the parenting instinct going yet. I looked up convicts and they are a species which pair off and raise their young together. They like to dig deep holes in the gravel and it's a nest of sorts. They lay their eggs on a rock or some other hard surface in or near the hole and both parents guard the eggs till they hatch. Convicts seem to be good parents after the eggs hatch, and will both guard their young from other fish. I have a breeding pair of tilapia who dig these deep holes in the gravel just like convicts do, but the difference is that after the female lays the eggs, the male(I think) puts them in his mouth. He keeps them in his mouth where he constantly pumps water over them and it's pretty cool to watch. Unfortunately, he eats them after a couple of weeks. I think that since these are juvenile tilapia, they may get better at this over time and I'll be able to have cute little baby tilapia. My plan is still to separate these babies from their parents when I can get to them, unless they end up being good parents, because as most creatures in captivity, the parents and/or other fish will still probably eat them. OK. I would make sure these two breeding convicts have enough gravel, maybe 3-4 inches, to build their nest and I would dig a hole for them since your gravel is large and it may be difficult for them to do it effectively. Make it about 3 inches deep and 6 inches wide at the top and it's OK if the bottom of the tank is exposed a little at the bottom. I would put a nice rock with rounded surface near or in the hole to one side for them to lay their eggs, have some plants or other scenery to make their nest not be too exposed, and try to reduce stresses like kids pounding on the glass, etc. I read that they can be bred well in captivity, it's fun to watch the parents care for the eggs and young, and as they mature they are more likely to do it right. Sometimes it takes parents a few times to figure it out, but you can help by helping them with their nest. I'm guessing that these eggs were their first. The eggs may have developed a bacterial or fungal infection or were not viable causing the parents to eat them, or there wasn't enough shelter around their nest. I looked at your tank and I suggest taping a dark blue backdrop over the back on the outside. Did they use the glass bowl to lay their eggs?? It may be a little unnerving to them as it is see-through. There seems to be plenty of info on the Internet on breeding convicts, so maybe you could read up on it and learn from those who have had success in this.
serial32 - Posts: 32
- Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:24 am
Raising fry in a Cichlid tank is pretty difficult from experience without having lots of caves and hiding spots. It also depends on how many Cichlids you actually have in your tank. The mother and father can only do so much to protect their young. Like Peterkarig said they could have known that the eggs were bad. Although the father is usually the one to not eat the young as I have read on many websites about breeding them. The mother will usually wash them in her mouth and spit them out and also pick them up and take them to non hostile parts of the tank where she knows they won't be bothered. The father is usually the one to to enforce the non-eating of the babies which will usually fight the mother if she eats them.
After a few times of breeding they will know the safe parts of the tank to keep them(most of the time). Unfortunately other fish will eat them reguardless once they start venturing on their own. My suggestion if you want to keep your fry get a small breeding net to keep them in the tank until they are large enough to fend for themselves or put them in a seperate tank until they are larger and them put them back in your Cichlid tank.
After a few times of breeding they will know the safe parts of the tank to keep them(most of the time). Unfortunately other fish will eat them reguardless once they start venturing on their own. My suggestion if you want to keep your fry get a small breeding net to keep them in the tank until they are large enough to fend for themselves or put them in a seperate tank until they are larger and them put them back in your Cichlid tank.
freshwaterpleco - Posts: 131
- Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:56 pm
Hello peter and the other one. The picture i took of my tank is old and right now i have a divider in it.
gumbii - Posts: 1695
- Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:31 am
the egg's might have been infertile... if the pair is too young they will lay unfirtle eggs... what else is in your tank... my cory cats used to eat the eggs in the night... i've also seen my sailfin pleco eating some eggs from my green severums in the night as well...
convicts are incredible parents... they don't need to make holes in the gravel, just put a cup or flower pot on it's side and let them do the rest... i have about 50 broken terra cotta flower pots in my 100g tank and every south american cichlid i have in there loves it... they're all pilled up on top of eachother in a huge rubble mess... but function > asthetics... from the thousands of severum eggs i get around 30 survivors that be some good odds IMO... from the hundreds of convict fry i used to end up with 60+ per clutch... then to take them out was brutal...
well good luck with your tankmates...
convicts are incredible parents... they don't need to make holes in the gravel, just put a cup or flower pot on it's side and let them do the rest... i have about 50 broken terra cotta flower pots in my 100g tank and every south american cichlid i have in there loves it... they're all pilled up on top of eachother in a huge rubble mess... but function > asthetics... from the thousands of severum eggs i get around 30 survivors that be some good odds IMO... from the hundreds of convict fry i used to end up with 60+ per clutch... then to take them out was brutal...
well good luck with your tankmates...
freshwaterpleco - Posts: 131
- Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:56 pm
Didn't need any help. Just found out that he eggs were under the rocks and the babies hatched. But thanks for the tip