Hello, I just bought a new plecko for my nano 6 gallon freshwater tank and my fish seller told me that this kind of plecko grow at a maximum of 4-5cm, but now i made some search on the net and didn't find any information about plecko that stay small... does anybody know if this species exist or if my fish seller is a lier ? :P
Mini Plecko?
3 posts
iProctee - Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:26 pm
I've got a two tiny plecs, had them for over a year now and both haven't got any bigger than 1.5 inches. I can't find any info on them anywhere either but since there's so many different kinds of plec it isn't that suprising
myklein2 - Posts: 14
- Joined: Mon May 11, 2009 1:38 am
Rubberlip pleco a.k.a bulldog pleco stays pretty small and is somewhat common. It does have a unique look. I can't tell what you have by that picture. Need to see more of the body.