Missing fish
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TigerTaylor8906 - Posts: 75
- Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:05 pm
Missing fish
Ive got 2 black moores each about the size of my fist. Ive had them for almost 2 years now. The other morning Im getting up and turning on the light, start to feed them and I usually sit and watch for a few mins. I notice only one of the blqck fish coming up to eat so i start looking around rocks and plants......no where. Rank has a lid with enough space for the hob filters open but I dont think he could fit through there to jump out. But I hqve searched everywhere for this fish. I had the lid off for a few mins the day before doing a water change but I cant imagine not seein him jump out. It just blows my mind man.
kraigt - Posts: 39
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:18 pm
This is going to sound crazy, but you haven't gained another coloured fish have you? black moors change colour when stress, ill or frightened
plus if you can, look under everything, onthe few occasions a fish have died, its always been it the hardest place to get to
plus if you can, look under everything, onthe few occasions a fish have died, its always been it the hardest place to get to
TigerTaylor8906 - Posts: 75
- Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:05 pm
He is def gone, they were only 2 that big. I have looked pretty good in the tank, but yea you never know. Hes a pretty big fish!
HBibbers - Posts: 6
- Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:44 pm
A long time ago when I had Angelfish I had this happen. One day I had 5 Angelfish and the next day only 4. They were a really good size too, it couldn't have been hiding. I concluded that it died and got eaten over night by the other fish (catfish?). Later on I did see some tiny bones in the tank :( I don't know if that process can happen that fast or not. But that scenario might of happened.
TigerTaylor8906 - Posts: 75
- Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:05 pm
Thats about all I can think of. In the past I had some medium sized barbs die (2) and the snails in the tank swarmed it and there gone over night. But this dang fish was so big and fat, I would be shocked if that is what happened. I keep waiting for the room to start smelling of rotting fishif he jumped out and is lodged somewhere.
TigerTaylor8906 - Posts: 75
- Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:05 pm
Yes! Haha I have 2 60lb dogs. But they are not allowed in the back bedroom and are outside most of the time. But the longe it goes with no sign of the fish, the more Im thinking that might have happened. Idk
jdak702 - Posts: 382
- Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:26 am
I had a dartfish jump once and my dog picked it up. Didn't bite it but he did get my attention to go pick it up. Fish lived for another couple months until jumping again.
mro2you2 - Posts: 625
- Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:37 pm
I had a small nean tetra die and went missing. I still cant find his bones but they probly got crushed.
did you check the filter???
did you check the filter???