Blood Parrot is not doing well

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Blood Parrot is not doing well

by mamapuff

I rescued two blood parrots that have hole in the head. They have been progressivly doing much better since i got them. The black is starting to fade and the orange is coming in brightly. I did a water change on Sunday, (the first major one since I got them). I left the filters out, ran the chems, every one was doing fine until Monday. I came home to find my female on the bottom slightly tilted to the side, but facing downward. The male was lethargic too. I lost one of my other guys, (not sure what he was) and my little rainbow. I threw a bunch of Java moss in there, since she like to hide and the nitrites were the only thing that were off. I tested the water from the sink, and the nitrites were fine. The only thing wrong was the hardness. But that read fine after the treatment in the tank. I am heartbroken that I already lost my other two, but I am so scared to lose my parrot. I don't know if she is sad that her tank friend died, (I got him and the two parrots together and they were all older fish.) They both are about 9. She will move if prodded. Does anyone have any advice? Normally she is the biggest ham and is soooo curious. Almost like a real parrot...

Sorry for rambling...

The pic is of her last week, not now.
c2102-Picture 048.jpg

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by Burgerking7679

I'd say keeping really clean water is just about all you can do. Is the hole in the head getting worse?? Or does it look unhealthy in general??

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Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:25 pm

by MamaPuff8331

The HITH is healing nicely on both. I just think she was super stressed from the water change. I just went home for lunch and she is swimming around now. I fed her and she ate it just as usual. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that this means shes doing better. She is a lot brighter also than she was last night when she was still on the bottom of the tank.

Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:53 pm

by Burgerking7679

So yah she was probably just a little stressed.

Blood Parrot is not doing well

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