Introducing snails?
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jweb1369 - Posts: 547
- Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:55 am
Introducing snails?
Should I have to acclimate them? Is it harder for them to survive in higher pH's around 7.6-8.0?
seankh - Posts: 107
- Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:42 pm
I have a apple snail in with my african cichlids .My fianci bought it and put in the tank when i was at work and its doing just fine and my ph is 8.2
yasherkoach - Posts: 1306
- Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:24 pm
I have 35 Olive Nerite Snails (first bought 10, then 5, then 20). I did acclimate them, as I do all my living creatures, even the live plants I acclimate.
Olive Nerite snails cannot reproduce. They do breed inside the tank - it's funny how they "stick" together - but once the eggs are strewn all over the tank, the freshwater does not permit their growth (only in brackish water do they reproduce). So there is no snail outbreak, so to speak.
I always have a ph of about 7.0 to 7.4. Olive Nerite Snails can survive with no problem from about 6.5 to 8.0. I bought mine from Live Aquaria. They're very cheap at azgardens, 79 cents a piece whereas Live Aquaria they run for $2.99. But I have had no fish or snails die on me from Live Aquaria, so it's worth the price. Why change "fish" in the middle of the stream, if you get my drift.
Also, any white eggs that do cling onto the fixtures or glass in the tank, the snails will eat or graze over them. The white eggs do disappear...and reappear, but they do not harm the water quality or the fish.
So I would go with the Olive Nerite Snails. Once they are in the tank, there is absolutely no problem, they love algae. They will keep your live plant petals clean (so the leaves can "breathe" better).
that's my take on a snail
Olive Nerite snails cannot reproduce. They do breed inside the tank - it's funny how they "stick" together - but once the eggs are strewn all over the tank, the freshwater does not permit their growth (only in brackish water do they reproduce). So there is no snail outbreak, so to speak.
I always have a ph of about 7.0 to 7.4. Olive Nerite Snails can survive with no problem from about 6.5 to 8.0. I bought mine from Live Aquaria. They're very cheap at azgardens, 79 cents a piece whereas Live Aquaria they run for $2.99. But I have had no fish or snails die on me from Live Aquaria, so it's worth the price. Why change "fish" in the middle of the stream, if you get my drift.
Also, any white eggs that do cling onto the fixtures or glass in the tank, the snails will eat or graze over them. The white eggs do disappear...and reappear, but they do not harm the water quality or the fish.
So I would go with the Olive Nerite Snails. Once they are in the tank, there is absolutely no problem, they love algae. They will keep your live plant petals clean (so the leaves can "breathe" better).
that's my take on a snail
jweb1369 - Posts: 547
- Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:55 am
okay well i need snails that breed fast because they are going into my puffer aquarium and dont want to keep spending $1-$2 a piece on them. Do the Nerite snails breed fast?
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am
Malaysian trumpet snails live in the gravel during the day and come out by the thousands at night. I personally like ramshorn snails because they do a very good job on algae and they're tough enough to withstand some snail eating fish, especially when they're full grown.
darkruby - Posts: 87
- Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:00 am
Depending on how big your puffer is I would go with the common pond snail. It is kinda small so it is kinda like a snack in small quantities but they breed faster than rabits ( or they did for me).
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm
My puffer is partial to ramshorns and common pond snails. MTS aren't quite so meaty and easily accessible, but are very beneficial for aquarium substrate. Although my puffer is a dwarf or pygmy and has no beak which needs trimming. Figure eights may have a beak and subsequently need good hard snail shells to chomp on.
Ramshorns and commond pond snails are fast reproducers but its fully based on food availability. The more you overfeed your fish the more snails will appear. I got all my snails as hitchikers on plants and have all the common freshwater varieties. Their shells are more easily grown and maintained in alkaline water, as acidic (lower pH) will actually eat away at the shell.
I have a Mystery Snail which does fine in 6.5, but probably wouldn't fare well any lower.
Ramshorns and commond pond snails are fast reproducers but its fully based on food availability. The more you overfeed your fish the more snails will appear. I got all my snails as hitchikers on plants and have all the common freshwater varieties. Their shells are more easily grown and maintained in alkaline water, as acidic (lower pH) will actually eat away at the shell.
I have a Mystery Snail which does fine in 6.5, but probably wouldn't fare well any lower.
jweb1369 - Posts: 547
- Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:55 am
Okay so over all anyone have the best suggestion for snails that reproduce fast but won't overtake the 6 gallon tank with one figure eight puffer that is about 2 inches? It is hard for me to decide as I have never kept snails before. If I could get one kind what would be the most effective food and breeder?
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm
If your figure eight is anything like my puffer you won't be able to raise snails in his tank...You'll have to grow them in other tanks. My DP leaves none alive.
But as I said before ramshorn or common pond. Both will depend on extra fish food to make populations explode. The less overfeeding in your other tanks, the less snail eggs you'll see on the side of the tanks.
Go to a LFS that sells aquatic plants and ask if they have any snails in the plant tanks, and if so if you could have a few, which they'll probably give you for free as most people consider them pests, though I couldn't disagree more. =P
But as I said before ramshorn or common pond. Both will depend on extra fish food to make populations explode. The less overfeeding in your other tanks, the less snail eggs you'll see on the side of the tanks.
Go to a LFS that sells aquatic plants and ask if they have any snails in the plant tanks, and if so if you could have a few, which they'll probably give you for free as most people consider them pests, though I couldn't disagree more. =P
jweb1369 - Posts: 547
- Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:55 am
Alright that's cool. I just found out that I don't actually have a figure 8 puffer. I have a green spotted puffer and they get to 6 3/4"... So now I have to buy a new tank.