Aggresive Angel fish

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Aggresive Angel fish

by bassdr17

I have three angel fish in a forty gallon tank. At first my marble angel would pick on the other two. Now it seems that the two that used to get picked on have either paired up or just go sick of getting picked on by my marble angel. I haven't seen any signs of breeding and only seem to go after the other angel. Has anyone experienced this before? Any suggestion?

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by jdak702

payback's a bitch.

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by natalie265

I've heard that having 3 angels is always a bad idea because the dynamic that you have described is very common. Two of them pair up and the third ends up getting bullied. You might want to rehome the one that is being picked on.

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by Bassdr1710057

Payback.. lol.. Thats exactley what I was thinking.. I was hoping that I didnt have to rehome him because Ive had him from the begining. I was also thinking about getting another female, because I have two males and one female. But I guess theres no guarantee that she will pair off with the remaining male.. Or it might just create more tension.

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by bassdr17

Just got home to find that my paired Angels have begun to lay eggs.... That would explain them being overly aggressive. They have taken residence near the front corner of the tank and have laid their eggs on a jungle val leaf.. I hope some of them survive. Does anyone have any advise?

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by leifariek

I have two black angelfish in a twenty gallon, and another five marbled in a different tank. The black ones are both female and become aggressive, only when they lay eggs. I have also wanted to save the countless eggs, which they so neatly arrange on my anubias, but never successfully, as i do not own a male, to fertilize them with. With that being said, they will lay eggs regularly, those eggs being haploid, and eventually either consume them or lose them to other fish in the tank.

As far as I've read or heard, it is advised to segregate the breeding pair, turn up the temp and provide either broad-leafed plants or a piece of slate, as they prefer these smooth surfaces to lay their eggs on.
Im not sure if the male needs to be removed after fertilization takes place?

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by yoserian

I would start hatching a batch of brine shrimp. Angel babies are very finicky. Congrats on the eggs. They have paired off now and if this batch does not survive they will most likely continue trying every two to three weeks.

Aggresive Angel fish

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